Issue - decisions

Statement of Community Involvement

18/07/2017 - Statement of Community Involvement

The Executive was reminded that, in October 2016, it had agreed the Local Development Scheme for the production of a new Local Plan. The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), which set out how the Council would involve the community in both the preparation of the Local Plans and associated Development Plan Documents such as Area Action Plans, would form part of the Local Plan. 


The SCI was an update to the 2012 SCI and took into account changes in legislation and guidance since 2012. The changes to the SCI related to Duty to Co-operate requirements, updated community contacts, and changes around Neighbourhood Planning.


Following a consultation, there had been two minor changes to the SCI, namely increased references to the use of social media in how the Council would consult with the community, and reference included in the introduction to the fact that the SCI contained a number of technical references.


RESOLVED to adopt the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement, as attached at Annex A to the agenda report.