Issue - decisions

Write Off of Irrecoverable Bad Debts

20/03/2024 - Write Off of Irrecoverable Bad Debts

The Executive RESOLVED that


(i)            bad debts in respect of Council Tax for £130,393.93 and those in respect of Business Rates for £160,983.92, totalling £291,377.85 be approved for write off;


(ii)          bad debts in respect of sundry debts for £3,320.20 be approved for write off;


(iii)         the removal of 10 housing andsundry debts totalling £5,343.26 that has been carried out under the scheme of delegated authority by the Strategic Director Finance and Customer Services be noted, as the debts are no longer recoverable under the Limitation Act 198; 


(iv)         the write-off of 58 sundry debts totalling £27,322.86, which are individually below £1,500, carried out under the scheme of delegated authority by the Strategic Director Finance and Customer Services be noted; and


(v)          bad debts in respect of 15 property debts totalling £338,115.24 be approved for write off.