Committee details

External Partnerships Select Committee

Purpose of committee



Meetings of this Committee can be viewed from:


1.            To review services provided by other agencies and which affect the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Council's area, with particular focus upon:


(i)            recipients of revenue and leisure grants and their performance against their Service Level Agreements;

(ii)           registered Social Landlords operating within the borough;

(iii)          Clinical Commissioning Groups and Health and Wellbeing Boards operating within the borough.


2.            As the Council’s designated crime and disorder committee to


(i)            review or scrutinise at least annually decisions made or other action taken in connection with the discharge by the responsible authorities of their crime and disorder functions, including matters referred to it by a ward councillor;

(ii)           make reports or recommendations to the Council with respect to the discharge of crime and disorder functions with copies to the appropriate responsible authorities or co-operating bodies;

(iii)          scrutinise the Police and Crime Panel.


3.            To undertake investigations into such matters which:


(i)            may be referred by the Council or the Leader/Executive;

(ii)           have been referred to the Committee pursuant to the “call-in” procedure set out in the Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules; and

(iii)          have been referred to the Committee pursuant to the Councillor Call for Action Protocol at Part 4, Section C of this Constitution.


4.            To advise in relation to the Council’s existing policies and strategies and assist in the development of policies and strategies, with a particular focus upon:


(i)            grant schemes operated by the Council




Contact information

Support officer: Rachel Whillis. Democratic Services Manager

Phone: 01276 707160


Web site: