Agenda item

Application Number 17/1141: Princess Royal Barracks, Brunswick Road, Deepcut


The application was for the approval of reserved matters for Primary School and Nursery (Phase 3a) submitted pursuant to condition 4 of hybrid planning permission ref: 12/0546 (as amended), and submission of details to comply with conditions 9 (Affordable Housing), 16 (Ecological Mitigation and Management Plan), 23 (visibility splays), 24 (pedestrian inter-visibility) and 29 (Tree Retention).


Members received the following updates on the application:


“The LPA has been provided with a copy of the comments made in response to a recent public exhibition run by the applicant team.  These comments, provided by the Mytchett, Frimley Green & Deepcut Society, cover a range of issues covered in the exhibition and which are not directly related to this planning application.  Concern is however again raised (as was detailed in the letter of objection to this application from the same) over the lack of drop off / pick up provision.


Amended plans have been received.  These move the school building North within the application site by approximately 2.5m.   The change reduces the gap between the school flank elevation and the MUGA and requires a cycle /scooter store to be relocated within the body of the application site. This also requires the plan numbers listed in Condition 1 to be updated. 


Comments have also been received from the County Highways Authority and these along with further representations on the matter of the lack of a school drop off and pick up point have resulted in additional planning conditions being drafted.   


A further change to is required to Condition 7 (this becomes condition 6) as drafted to ensure that in addition to updated bat surveys, ecological mitigation for other species, flora and fauna is provided.


Condition 4 as drafted in the committee papers is no longer required and is to be deleted.


With this in mind it is suggested that the following full list of conditions be imposed in the event planning permission for the development as set out in the Committee Report is granted.


Full list of amended / updated conditions and informatives


1.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents:













0120(P01) ,

MHPS-AWW-XX-XX-RP-A-0001-P06-Design and Access Statement - Reserved Matters Submission,

Arboricultural Impact Assessment Mindenhurst School and Nursery, and, 

Tree Survey and Constraints Report Mindenhurst School and Nursery unless the prior written approval has been obtained from the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interest of proper planning and as advised in ID.17a of the NPPG.


2.         No development above ground in connection with the erection of the school building hereby approved shall take place until details and samples of the external materials have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Materials to be agreed will include the proposed brick, tile, cladding, guttering and fenestration.  Once approved, the development shall be carried out using only the agreed materials.


Reason: In the interests of visual amenities of the area and to accord with Policy DM9 and CP4 of the Surrey Heath Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012.


3.         No development comprising the playing fields and sport pitch shall commence until the following documents have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Sport England, for the respective area:

I.          A detailed assessment of ground conditions (including drainage and topography) of the land for the proposed playing field which identifies constraints which could affect playing field quality; and,

II.         Based on the results of the assessment to be carried out pursuant to (I) above, a detailed scheme which ensures that the playing field will be provided to an acceptable quality.  The scheme shall include a written specification of soils structure, proposed drainage, cultivation and other operations associated with grass and sports turf establishment and a programme of implementation.

The approved scheme shall be carried out in full and in accordance with a timeframe agreed with the Local Planning Authority.  The land will thereafter be maintained in accordance with the scheme made available for playing field use in accordance with the scheme.


Reason: To ensure the playing fields is prepared to an adequate standard and is fir for purpose and to accord with Policies CP4,  DM14 and DM16 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012, the Deepcut SPD and the approved Site Wide Design Code.


4.         Notwithstanding any details shown on any approved or submitted plan or document, no external lighting shall be erected or installed anywhere on the application site without the details having been first submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.  Only the approved details shall be installed / erected.   


Reason:  To ensure the visual and residential amenities of the wider area are not harmed, and to ensure external lighting is not harmful to the biodiversity of the site / area, in compliance with Policies DM9 and CP14 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012 and the Deepcut SPD 2012.   


5.         Prior to any community or 3rd party use of the development hereby approved being implemented details of that use, the proposed hours of that use, the area of the building /grounds to be used to facilitate that use together with any equipment, plant or machinery required to facilitate that use shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing.  


Reason:  To ensure the residential amenities of the wider area are not harmed, and in compliance with Policy DM9 and CP14 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012 and the Deepcut SPD 2012.      


6.         Prior to any demolition on site full and updated bat surveys must be undertaken.  The details, mitigation proposed and recommendations of those surveys must be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing prior to any works commencing.    The development shall proceed in strict compliance with the details approved.     In all other regards the development shall be undertaken in accordance with the submitted Ecological Mitigation and Management Plan ref: DC2-NOA-LX-106-XX-RP-04-EMP3-P01.  


Reason:  To ensure the development is not harmful to the biodiversity of the site / area, in compliance with Policies DM9 and CP14 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012 and the Deepcut SPD 2012.    


7.         Prior to the development hereby approved coming into first use details of how the following facilities shall be provided on site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.   The approved details shall be implemented prior to the development first coming into use and shall thereafter be retained in perpetuity:


a)         The secure parking for at least 48 covered bicycles within the site.  Where the school travel plan identifies a need for a higher provision at any time during the life of the development such additional provision shall be provided in accordance with details to be first agreed in writing by the local planning authority;


b)         Facilities within the school site for cyclists to change and shower; 


c)         Facilities within the school site for cyclists to store cyclist equipment;


d)         A safe pedestrian crossing point on the new spine road between the raised table to the west of the school and the school itself; and,


e)         Waiting restrictions, bollards, school zig zags and other measures to prevent kerb side parking on the spine road and northern section of the loop road.


Reason: To ensure a sustainable form of development and to comply with Policy DM11, CP11 and CP4 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012, the Deepcut SPD 2012 and the NPPF 2012. 


8          Prior to any works being undertaken to implement the carpark details of the provision for the loading and unloading of vehicles, together with their manoeuvring on site such that they can leave and enter the site in forward gear shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.   The details to be submitted shall make provision for the parking and turning of vehicles to occur entirely within the fenced car parking area.  The approved details shall be implemented prior to the first use of the development hereby approved and shall be retained in perpetuity. For the avoidance of doubt the approved turning area shall not, under any circumstances, be used for vehicle parking.    


Reason: To comply with Policy DM11, CP11 and CP4 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012, the Deepcut SPD 2012 and the NPPF 2012. 


9.         Prior to the first use of the development hereby approved details of the pedestrian and cycle path access from the school to the proposed loop road shall be submitted to, and approved in writing, by the local planning authority.  The access shall be of sufficient width to allow for the safe and efficient movement of pedestrians and cyclists and shall be constructed and provided with visibility splays in accordance with the details to be approved.  The approved details will be implemented prior to the first use of the school and will thereafter be kept clear of any obstruction.   


Reason: To ensure a sustainable form of development and to comply with Policy DM11, CP11 and CP4 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012, the Deepcut SPD 2012 and the NPPF 2012.  


10.       The details to be submitted pursuant to Schedule 5 Part 10 of the s.106 agreement pursuant to permission 12/0546 (dated 17 April 2014 and as amended by the deed of variation dated 12 May 2017) pertaining to the delivery of the formal park shall include details of parking spaces to be made available for general public parking and which can also be used to meet local parking demand arising from the pick-up and drop of children attending the school hereby approved. 


Reason: To comply with Policy DM11, CP11 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012 and the NPPF 2012.         




1.         The applicant is reminded of the need to comply with all relevant conditions imposed on decision notice 12/0546 (as amended) together with s106 and subsequent deeds.


2.         The applicant is reminded of the need to review and take note of all relevant informative’s imposed on decision notice 12/0546 (as amended).


3.         In the event that drainage from this site is to discharge into the Basingstoke Canal then the applicant is reminded to check that all necessary agreements / consents, including any easements are in place with the land owner and drainage authority.


4.         The application is advised that the scheme and detail required by condition 3 should comply with the relevant industry Technical Guidance, including guidance published by Sport England, National Governing Bodies for Sport.  Particular attention is drawn to Natural Turf for Sport (2011). 


5.         The applicant is advised that the loop road should be designed to be 6m in width and the footpath to be 3m in width.   


6.         In order to accommodate condition 8 above a small number of parking spaces may need to be lost from the car park to create a designated turning head within the enclosed car park area.  


7.         A pedestrian access is proposed from the south eastern corner site across what is described on the application drawings as graded land.  Given the levels differences this route must be provided at an acceptable gradient and width to cater for pedestrians and cyclists.” 


The Committee agreed to amend condition ten of the officer’s report to stipulate the maximisation of the number of the parking bays on the existing hard standing, whilst maintaining the good provision of the proposed formal park. An informative would also be added to specify the need for disabled parking bays by the school building.


The officer recommendation to grant the application was proposed by Councillor Edward Hawkins, seconded by Councillor Mrs Vivienne Chapman, and put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that application be granted, subject to conditions, as amended, with the final wording on the new condition be delegated to the Head of Regulatory in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Planning Applications Committee.


Note 1

It was noted for the record that Councillor Edward Hawkins declared that he had attended the development’s open day.


Note 2

In accordance with Part 4, Section D, paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in relation to the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the proposal to approve the application:


Councillors Nick Chambers, Mrs Vivienne Chapman, Colin Dougan, Edward Hawkins, Surinder Gandham, Katia Malcaus Cooper, David

Mansfield, Max Nelson, Adrian Page, Robin Perry, Ian Sams, Pat Tedder, John Winterton, Victoria Wheeler, and Valerie White.



Supporting documents: