Agenda item

Development Management Monitoring Report


The Committee received a monitoring report for the period 1 October 2015 – 31 March 2016, from the Development Manager. The following areas were brought to the attention of Members:


·        Applications Performance – there had been a dip in performance which had been due to long term sickness;


·        Staff Turnover and Recruitment – interviews had been carried out;


·        Government monitoring – there has been continuous monitoring by the Government and target thresholds had been increased;


·        Enforcement – the Council only had one full time enforcement officer.  Enforcement cases were being dealt with initially by the contact centre through the database and help had been received from other enforcement officers in the Council.  This has taken some pressure from the planning department but if a planning judgement was required, this would fall to the planning officers. Cloud based software had been introduced so the enforcement officer would be able to access and update records on site. There had been some teething problems but it was improving.


It was noted that overall, considering the points raised above, 2015/16 had been a good year for performance.


Resolved that the report be noted.



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