Agenda item

Camberley Town Centre Christmas Event


The Business Portfolio Holder presented a report proposing that a Christmas event be held in the Camberley Town Centre, at the London Road Recreation Ground. This would consist of a “real ice” skating rink and associated seasonal market stalls along with signage to connect the event to the key Town Centre access points.


It was proposed that the event be delivered by an independent event company which had been selected following a tender process. They would carry the vast majority of the financial risk.


It was considered that the event would help promote Camberley as a destination of choice for seasonal eating, shopping and recreation, encouraging shoppers and other footfall to the Town Centre.


The proposal was subject to licensing and planning applications and it was noted that there might be a need to install a different power supply to the Pavilion in the Recreation Ground, though this would be cheaper and more environmentally friendly that the alternative of using generators.


Members welcomed the extensive consultation with affected residents and received assurances that discussions were being held with the Highways Authority to limit any negative traffic impacts on shopping.


The Executive noted concerns on the need to ensure that there was no negative impact on Town Centre businesses, particularly in the period of uncertainty following the European Union Referendum. It was emphasised that the Council would focus on providing a successful event, managing accessibility of Camberley Town Centre and ensuring community safety. Environmental Health Officers would monitor noise levels and impact on residents and Town Centre businesses had already expressed an interest in having stalls on the site.




(i)               to agree that, subject to successful applications for both Licensing and Planning permission, a winter ice rink and Christmas fair event be held on London Road Recreation Ground in December 2016 to promote the Town Centre, delivered by “Event By Event”;


(ii)             that a budget of £10,000 be made available from the Town Centre fund to provide any additional Council related costs linked to the event;


(iii)            that the project delivery be delegated to the Executive Head of Business, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and  local Ward Members; and


(iv)            that, after the event, a further report be brought back to the Executive recommending a away forward for future events, following review and consultation with residents and local members.



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