Agenda item

Review of the Corporate Capital Programme 2015/16 and Report on Capital Prudential Indicators for 2015/16


The Finance Portfolio Holder reported on the capital outturn for 2015/16 and sought approval for any carry forward of budgets into the 2015/16 Capital Programme. He included a breakdown of the actual performance against the 2015/16 capital prudential indicators.


Members noted the intention to borrow to acquire assets to assist with economic development and regeneration, provided that the assets would generate a return adequate to service any required loans.


Recommended to Council that


(i)        the carry forward budget provision of £1.161 million from 2015/16 into 2016/17 be approved;


(ii)       the revised 2016/17 Capital Programme of £2.706 million be noted; and


(iii)      the final capital prudential indicators for 2016/17 be noted.



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