Agenda item

Application Number: 16/0320 - 49 Bosman Drive, Windlesham GU20 6JN


The application was for the division of existing four-bedroom dwelling to form two 2 bedroom dwellings with associated parking and garden space. (Part Retrospective).


The application would normally be determined under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. However, it was reported to the Planning Applications Committee at the request of Councillor Conrad Sturt.


Members were advised of the following updates:


Following a site inspection visit, it was noticed that the plans submitted were not quite accurate in terms of the development on the ground, including the location of the door on the side elevation, the bay windows to the front, and position of parking spaces. As such the plans have been amended to reflect these minor changes and as such the following conditions have been updated to refer to the correct plans:


Conditions 2, 3 and 4 should now read as follows (there are no changes to conditions 1 & 5):


2.     The proposed development shall be built in accordance with the following approved plans: Proposed Ground Floor Plan 1550 P104A, Proposed First Floor Plan 1550 P105A, Proposed Elevations 1550 P106A all received 22nd June 2016, unless the prior written approval has been obtained from the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning as advised in ID.17a of the Planning Practice Guidance.


3.     Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order) no gates, fences or walls shall be erected under Schedule 2, Part 2, Class A of that Order other than along the existing boundaries defining the curtilage of 49 Bosman Drive as shown in red on the Location Plan 1550 P100A received 22nd June 2016 and along the boundary between the rear gardens of the two new dwellings as shown on the Block Plan 1550 P100A received 22nd June 2016; without the prior approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To prevent any obvious sub-division of the driveway which may cause harm to character and to accord with Policy DM9 of the Surrey Heath Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


4.   The parking area to the front of the properties as shown on Block Plan 1550 100A received 22nd June 2016 shall be retained as such at all times unless the prior approval has been obtained in writing from the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that sufficient off-road parking remains for the two proposed dwellings so as not to cause a nuisance on the highway, in line with Policy DM11 of the Surrey Heath Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2012.


Members expressed concerns in relation to the proposed development in that it was considered an inappropriate density and development and out of character for the area.


The officers had recommended that the application be approved. However, after consideration, the Members felt that the application should be refused due to the inappropriate development and density proposed and it being out of character with surrounding properties.


Resolved that application 16/0320 be refused for the following reasons:


(i)                  Inappropriate density;

(ii)                 Inappropriate development; and

(iii)               Out of character with surrounding properties.



Note 1

It was noted for the record that one of the speakers was known to Cllr Conrad Sturt.


Note 2

As the application triggered the Council’s Public Speaking Scheme, Mr R Chatfield and Mr P Williams spoke in objection.


Note 3

The recommendation to approve the application was proposed by Councillor Colin Dougan and seconded by Councillor Nic Chambers.


Note 4

In accordance with Part 4 Section D paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in relation to this application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the recommendation to approve the application:


Councillors Nick Chambers, Mrs Vivienne Chapman, Colin Dougan, Max Nelson, Robin Perry and Ian Sams.


Voting against of the recommendation to approve the application:


Councillors David Allen, Surinder Gandhum, Edward Hawkins, Ruth Hutchinson, Katia Malcaus Cooper, David Mansfield, Conrad Sturt and Victoria Wheeler.


Note 5

The recommendation to refuse the application was proposed by Councillor Conrad Sturt and seconded by Councillor David Mansfield.


Note 6

Voting in favour of the recommendation to refuse the application:


Councillors David Allen, Surinder Gandhum, Edward Hawkins, Ruth Hutchinson, Katia Malcaus Cooper, David Mansfield, Conrad Sturt and Victoria Wheeler.


Voting against of the recommendation to approve the application:


Councillors Nick Chambers, Mrs Vivienne Chapman, Colin Dougan, Max Nelson, Robin Perry and Ian Sams.



Supporting documents: