Agenda item

End of Year Performance Report 2015/16


The Transformation Portfolio Holder presented a report on the Council’s performance for 2015/16. This would be the final report in the current format, with the new report reflecting changes agreed to the Annual Plan.     


Members welcomed the proposed changes, referring to inconsistencies in interpretation and confusing messages from the Red – Amber – Green report. It was suggested that greater and earlier involvement in the vision and processes would assist Members and it was proposed that, where an issue or target was beyond the Council’s control, such as when the action required sat with another Authority, this should be clearly indicated.


In respect of the delay in the report being considered, Members noted that this had partly driven the changes to the format proposed in this and the 5 year/annual plan proposals.


Successes included moves to regenerate Camberley Town Centre, Investment in properties, achieving the ‘Gold’ level in Investors in People plus the ‘Commitment’ level of the Workplace Wellbeing Charter and achieving income returns at 20% above the Local Authorities average.


Members queried the current status of the Land East of Knoll Road report, but noted that the target dates had been missed whilst a decision was awaited from Surrey County Council.


Resolved, that the Council’s Performance for 2015/16 be noted.



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