Agenda item

Consultation on West End Village Design Statement Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


The Executive considered the proposed West End Village Design Statement Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and a report seeking authority for the Council to undertake a statutory consultation on the SPD.


The West End Village Design Statement (VDS) supported policies in the Council’s Core Strategy, gave a description of the different character areas of West End and set out design guidelines for these areas.


Members’ agreement was sought on a 6 week statutory consultation on the VDS in respect of it becoming an SPD. Following the completion of the consultation, a further report would be submitted to the Executive, to consider adoption of the VDS as an SPD.


It was noted that the role of the VDS was to support the Council’s adopted Local Plan and in particular the Development Management Policies, by providing local guidance on design issues. However, the VDS could not be used to determine whether permission could be granted or not, as this was the role of the Local Plan.


Resolved, to agree to the Council undertaking a statutory consultation on the draft West End Village Design Statement SPD.



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