Agenda item

Response to the Consultation on the New Homes Bonus


The Executive considered a report on the Government’s consultation on the future of the New Homes Bonus and a draft response from the Council thereon.


Members noted that the New Homes Bonus had been funded by top slicing business rates and reducing grant. The new proposals focussed on making it more difficult to achieve the bonus, with a view to reducing the overall cost so that the funds saved could be transferred to the Better Care Fund, to assist with pressures in Adult Social Care.


The Executive noted that the proposed changes would adversely affect this Council and agreed to respond to the consultation, opposing the proposed reduction.


Resolved to authorise the Executive Head of Finance to draft the response to the Consultation on the New Homes Bonus at Annex A to the agenda report and make any changes required in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, for a letter to be sent under the Portfolio Holder’s signature.



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