Agenda item

Application Number:15/0153 - Land rear of 4,6,8 MacDonald Road, Lightwater GU18 5TN


This application was for the erection of one pair of three bedrooms, two storey semi-detached dwellings on land rear of 4, 6 and 8 Macdonald Road with new access off Catena Rise, car parking and associated works.


The application would normally have been determined under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, however, at the request of a local ward Member, it had been called in for determination by this Committee.


Members were advised of the following updates:


‘Correction to typo at paragraph 4.1,  this should read “without rooms in the roofspace”’


The speaker in objection felt that the development was inappropriate, over bearing causing loss of privacy and loss of residential amenity.


The speaker in support felt that the scheme was not overbearing and the window of plot 1, which overlooked existing properties was obscure glazed. It was noted that the floor area had reduced and the gardens had increased.  Members were informed that the applicant had written to residents offering to discuss the development with them but only one replied.


Some members were concerned about the loss of trees but they were advised by the Arboricultural Officer that the trees which had been removed were either diseased or dangerous.


Resolved that application 15/0106 be refused for the reason set out in the report of the Executive Head – Regulatory.


Note 1

It was noted for the record that:


·        Councillor Jennings – Evans had a conversation with the applicant, prior to being appointed as a Member of the Planning Applications Committee, but gave no opinion;and


·        Councillor Malcaus Cooper advised that Windlesham parish Council Planning Committee had been lobbied on the past in relation to this site.


Note 2

As this application triggered the Council’s Public Speaking Scheme, Mr Dodds spoke in objection and Mr Vaughanspoke in support.


Note 3

The recommendation to refuse the application was proposed by Councillor David Allen and seconded by Councillor Valerie White.


Note 4

In accordance with Part 4 Section D paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in relation to this application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the recommendation to refuse the application:


Councillors Dan Adams, David Allen, Nick Chambers, Vivienne Chapman, Colin Dougan, Surinder Gandhum, Edward Hawkins, Paul Ilnicki, Rebecca Jennings-Evans, Katia Malcaus Cooper, Conrad Sturt, Pat Tedder, Victoria Wheeler and Valerie White.


Voting against the recommendation to refuse the application: Councillor Ian Sams.



Supporting documents: