Agenda item

Traveller Site Management


The Executive Head of Community presented an update on the management of Traveller Sites in Surrey Heath. He explained that there were two official traveller sites in the Borough, each with 15 pitches. There were currently 18 families on the Surrey Heath waiting list, but pitches rarely became available with only 3 vacated in the previous 5 years.


Of the 2 sites, one (Swift Lane in Bagshot) was owned by the Council but leased to Surrey County Council (SCC), whilst the other site (Kalima, in Chobham) was SCC owned.  


Both sites were currently managed by this Council by a management agreement with Surrey County Council, which would expire in April 2016. Whilst SCC was responsible for the maintenance of the sites, Surrey Heath was responsible for the collection of rents, payment of utility charges and liaison with tenants. The agency agreement included SCC funding for a Neighbour Officer for 15 hours per week and contributions towards management and support costs.


The Committee received a briefing on the current condition of both sites, which were very tired and required continual maintenance, and a proposed major redevelopment of the Kalima site, which would include the provision of a 16th pitch.


The Executive Head of Community reported that, to date, electricity on both sites had been supplied to individual pitches by card meters. However the supply to the Swift Lane site would shortly change to new electricity key meters, which would hand responsibility for domestic electricity, currently with the Borough Council, over to the tenants, who would be able to choose their own suppliers and tariffs.


It was noted that ‘be responsible’ was missing from paragraph 7 on page 68 of the report. The final sentence should read, ‘Surrey Heath will then no longer be responsible for electricity charges at Swift Lane’.


There was some concern that due to some encroachment at the Swift Lane site, that this may affect the recycling site. The Executive Head – Community was aware of this and explained that an alternative site for the recycling facility was being investigated but this was not due to the activity on the traveller site.


Some Members sought clarification about what had been done to discourage the encroachment and the Committee was advised that residents on the sites were reminded of the boundaries of the sites and licenses were re-issued.


Resolved that


(i)          the arrangements for managing the two permanent traveller sites in Surrey Heath be noted; and


(ii)         the Executive Head - Community be requested to provide a progress report in 12 months’ time on the redevelopment of the site in Kalima.



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