Agenda item

Equality Update 2014/15


The Transformation Team Manager presented an update on work undertaken in 2014/15 to meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the Council’s Equality Strategy. She reported that the Council had continued to meet the legislative requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) through a programme of equality impact assessments and ensuring the widest possible publicity on the actions taken in respect of equality, both internally and externally.


Members noted that since the previous consideration, a number of actions had been completed from the Equality Strategy Action Plan, including Member and Officer dementia training, the opening of the Wellbeing (Dementia) Centre/ Saturday Club, capital works and improvements to gypsy/traveller sites and internal developments to introduce minority ethnic and disability champions onto the Officer working group.


Internal equality impact assessments had been completed on the Council’s Family Friendly, Flexible Working, Off-site Working and Drugs and Alcohol policies. The Council had recently been recognised as a disability positive organisation, being awarded the Jobcentre Plus ‘Two Ticks’ accreditation and there had been a number of developments in services for older Nepalese residents.


There had been significant progress in developing services for people living with dementia and their carers, with the Council working closely with Surrey County Council’s Adult Social Care Service and the Surrey Heath Clinical Commissioning Group. Members welcomed the opening of the Wellbeing Centre at Windle Valley and the development of the dementia friendly garden on the same site in Bagshot.


The Saturday Club, for people with dementia and their carers, was growing in popularity and the Council was funding a befriending pilot in Heatherside, providing help and friendship to people who had recently been diagnosed with dementia.


Members referred to new responsibilities through the Care Act, which would come into force in September 2015 and asked if any measures were being considered to address growing concerns in the Borough over Autism. An electronic update was requested on this and how the Council was achieving against the various equalities requirements.


Resolved, that the update on work in 2014/15 to meet the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 and the Council’s Equality Strategy and Action Plan be noted.


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