Agenda item

Application Number: 21/0875/FFU - Land East of Four Oaks Nursery, Highams Lane, Chobham, Woking, Surrey, GU24 8TD


The application related to the change of use of land to a Gypsy and Traveller site, serving two pitches comprising two mobile homes, two touring caravans and the construction of two utility room buildings together with associated landscaping including the installation of hardstanding.


The application was being reported to the Planning Applications Committee under Part 3 – Section B, Paragraph 1.5 of the Constitution, due to a recent appeal decision which was allowed at Oaks Farm, Philpot Lane within the Green Belt which is a material consideration in relation to the acceptability of this current planning application and a pending Enforcement Notice on the site.


The Committee noted the updates to this application on the Planning Applications Updates report.


The Committee questioned if the pitches were located outside the 400m buffer zone of the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area (SPA), if they would be included in Surrey Heath’s figures for Gypsy and Traveller pitch provision and it was confirmed they would.


Councillor Pat Tedder read out a statement from Councillor Victoria Wheeler who she was a substitute for. It included referencing an appeal decision allowed at Oaks Farm, Philpot Lane and respecting local infrastructures. 


The Committee heard further details on the appeal decision allowed at Oaks Farm, Philpot Lane, the differences between the two applications and the Council’s unmet need regarding Gypsy and Traveller pitches in the borough of Surrey Heath.


The Committee heard about the applicant’s commercial activities, the removal of the sand school and plans to reduce the current hardstanding.


The proximity of the site to the M3 motorway, air quality and potential pollution was also discussed, and it was confirmed that Environmental Health had raised no objections to the application.


The officer’s recommendation to Grant, subject to conditions and a legal agreement was proposed by Councillor Wilson, seconded by Councillor O’Mahoney put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that planning application 21/0875/FFU be approved.



Voting For the officers recommendation to Grant the application, subject to conditions and a legal agreement:

Councillors Alan Ashbery, Cliff Betton, Shaun Garrett, Liz Noble, David O’Mahoney, Ying Perrett, Murray Rowlands, Kevin Thompson, Valerie White and Richard Wilson.


Voting Against the officers recommendation to Grant the application, subject to conditions and a legal agreement:

Councillor Pat Tedder. 






Supporting documents: