Agenda item

Application Number: 23/1035 - 150 London Road, Bagshot, Surrey, GU19 5DF


The application was for full planning permission to allow the occupation of unit 2a for

Class E retail (Hobbycraft) outside of those specified within condition 1 of planning permission 16/1041.


The Committee discussed parking provisions for the site and the potential impact on traffic levels on the A30. It was considered that traffic levels would remain the same or lower than the previous occupiers of the unit (Cotswold Outdoor) and there was sufficient parking for customers. County Highways Authority had no objection.


The Committee queried if the mezzanine level in the unit would be used and it was confirmed it would remain empty.


The public opening hours of the unit were discussed by the Committee and despite having permission from 07:00 until 23:00 Mondays to Saturdays it was concluded that this was very unlikely to be used. 


The officer recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions was proposed by Councillor Victoria Wheeler, seconded by Councillor Shaun Garrett, put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that application 23/1035/FFU be approved subject to the

conditions set out in the officer’s report.




Voting in favour of the motion to grant the application subject to conditions:

Councillors Cliff Betton, Shaun Garrett, Mary Glauert, Liz Noble, David O’Mahoney, Murray Rowlands, Kevin Thompson, Victoria Wheeler, Helen Whitcroft, Valerie White and Richard Wilson.




It was noted for the record that Councillor Wilson declared he had attended a public meeting in Bagshot that had supported the application.





Supporting documents: