Agenda item

Application Number: 23/0571 - Tesco, Station Road, Chobham, Woking, Surrey, GU24 8AQ


The application was for Advertisement  Consent for 1 fascia sign, 1x projecting sign, 4x vinyl, 1x frosting, 2x dibond.


The application would have normally been determined under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation but had been reported to the Planning Applications Committee on the request of Councillor Pat Tedder because it was considered that any change would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the Chobham Village Conservation Area.


Members were advised of the following updates on the application:


Paragraph 2.2 and 6.2 of the agenda makes reference to the public house as the adjoining building to the west. In fact the lawful use of this building is Class B1 (Office) and is to the east, not the west. The building to the west is an empty building which was previously used as a restaurant.


The revised NPPF issued on 19 December 2023 does not materially affect the determination of this application.”


Following questions and concerns from Members, the Committee were advised that there would be a reduction of illuminated signs at the site, as only sign 2 would now be externally illuminated.


Moreover, the Committee had particular concerns in respect of the effect of the potential internal illumination of the advertisements on the Chobham Conservation Character Area. Thereby it was agreed to strengthen condition 4 of the Officer’s recommendation to make clear that there should not be any internal illumination that would make the signs more prominent or would illuminate the signs approved.


The Officer recommendation to grant the application was proposed by Councillor David Whitcroft, seconded by Councillor David O’Mahoney and put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that application 23/0571/ADV be granted subject to the conditions in the Officer Report, as amended.


Note 1

It was noted for the record that Councillor Victoria Wheeler declared that:

a)    She spoke against the original application on the site prior to being a Councillor;

b)    She was a regular shopper at the site; and

c)    She lived near the application site


Note 2

In line with Part 4, Section D, Paragraph 18 of the constitution, the voting in relation to the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the Officer recommendation to grant the application:


Councillors Shaun Garrett, Mary Glauert, Shaun Macdonald, David O’Mahoney, Bob Raikes, David Whitcroft, Helen Whitcroft and Richard Wilson.


Voting against the application to grant the application:


Councillors Jonathan Quin, Victoria Wheeler and Valerie White.



Supporting documents: