Agenda item

Application Number: 23/0891 - 42 - 44 London Road, Bagshot


The application for the variation to the legal agreement/operational management plan relating to planning permission 18/1083, which was granted on appeal APP/D3640/W/20/3245089 [relating to the erection of a part one, two and three storey building, partly with accommodation in the roof, to provide 46 extra care apartments including associated facilities, car parking and landscaping following the demolition of existing buildings] to allow the minimum age for care residents to be reduced from 70 to 60 years.


The application had been reported to the Planning Applications Committee because the proposal was a major development (i.e. over 1,000 square metres floorspace). The original planning application was also referred to the Planning Applications Committee and the variation to the legal agreement and operational management plan needed to be reported back accordingly. 


Members were advised of the following updates on the application:


One letter of objection has been received, raising the following concerns:


·         The building is empty and unfinished and should be finished with the impact greater due to the lack of landscaping/trees;

·         Impact of height of development;

·         Design (especially roof level accommodation); and

·         Impact and visual appearance of hoarding.


These objections are not material to the determination of the application.


The applicant has provided a statement, summarised below:


·         Marketing for the development has indicated a local demand for 60-70 year old needing care;

·         Average age for McCarthy & Stone extra care developments is 85 years of age (and it is not envisaged that this level will change for this development);

·         Extra care development is needs based with future occupiers needing care, with an average of 0.538 spaces per apartment for new residents across their extra care developments with 18.5% relinquishing their car during the first year and a further 4.9% in the second year;

·         Car provision was set at 0.7 spaces per apartment which would not materially change from this proposal; and

·         Parking will be controlled by on-site management.


The revised NPPF issued 19 December 2023 does not materially affect the determination of this application.”


Following debate on the proposal Members wished to note for the record their continued concerns in respect of the ratio of parking spaces to apartments in relation to the original application. However, it was acknowledged by the majority of Members that the proposed reduction in the minimum age of care residents, did not have enough effect on the acceptability of the parking provision to justify refusing the application.


The officer recommendation to grant the application was proposed by Councillor Jonathan Quin, seconded by Councillor Helen Whitcroft and put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that application 23/0891 be granted subject to the conditions in the Officer Report.


Note 1

In line with Part 4 Section D, Paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in relation to the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the Officer recommendation to grant the application:


Councillors Shaun Garrett, Mary Glauert, Shaun Macdonald, David O’Mahoney, Jonathan Quin, Bob Raikes, David Whitcroft, Helen Whitcroft, Victoria Wheeler and Richard Wilson.


Voting against the Officer recommendation to grant the application:


Councillor Valerie White.








Supporting documents: