Agenda item



It was moved Councillor Jonathan Quin, seconded by Councillor Lisa Finan-Cooke, and




(i)     to note that Camberley experienced a persistent and intolerable odour issue over the summer due to the local sewage works operated by Thames Water, and in response to the community’s complaints, notes that Thames Water expressed, in a number of meetings, a desire to make a financial contribution to a local community project in order to acknowledge the impact on residents over a five month period from May to September;


(ii)   to note that Thames Water has since backtracked on its offer to make a financial contribution to a project, leaving the community frustrated and angry;


(iii)  to call on Thames Water in the strongest possible terms to honour its previous commitment to make a financial contribution to a community project, and commits to publishing a statement to this effect on the council website and on social media;


(iv)  that the Leader of the Council be asked to write to Thames Water and the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to express dissatisfaction regarding management of the situation triggered by the importing of sludge onto the Camberley site; and


(v)   that Thames Water be invited to appear at an External Partnerships meeting of this Council.”


Note: It was noted for the record that Councillor Victoria Wheeler declared that she had family members who had been impacted by the issue.