Agenda item

Application Number: 23/0757- 49 Firwood Drive, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3QD


The application was for the erection of a part single and part two storey side extension.


The application would have normally been determined under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation but was being reported to the Planning Applications Committee on the request of Councillor Murray Rowlands because of proximity to the boundary line with 47 Firwood Drive and overlooking of the garden of this neighbouring dwelling.


The Committee considered the application and, arising from the discussion, it was agreed to strengthen Informative 2 due to concerns about the impact on the sewage pipes in close proximity to the proposed development, with the final wording to be agreed in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee.


The officer recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions was proposed by Councillor Helen Whitcroft, seconded by Councillor Kevin Thompson, put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that application 23/0757/FFU be approved subject to the conditions set out in the officer’s report and the amendment to Informative 2, as set out above.




Voting in favour of the motion to approve the application subject to conditions:

Councillors Cliff Betton, Shaun Garrett, Nirmal Kang, Shaun Macdonald, Liz Noble, David O’Mahoney, Kevin Thompson, Victoria Wheeler, David Whitcroft, Helen Whitcroft, Valerie White and Richard Wilson.


Voting against the motion to approve the application:




Councillors Ying Perrett and Jonathan Quin.




It was noted for the record that Councillor Jonathan Quin declared that he had spoken with a resident and had visited the site.



Supporting documents: