Agenda item

Application Number: 23/0326/PCM 141 Park Road, Camberley, GU15 2LL


The application was an outline application for the erection of a part 1, 2, 3 and 4 storey building for extra care accommodation comprising of 60 self-contained apartments, with staff and communal spaces for affordable rent with associated car parking and a new access onto Park Street.


The Committee was informed that the application was a Regulation 3 Application under the terms of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992.  As such Surrey County Council would be the determining authority while the Borough Council was only a consultee.


The Committee expressed concern about the height and scale of the proposed development which was considered to be out of scale and incongruous with the surrounding area and the potential impact that the development could have on trees on the plot.


It was noted that the County Council could decide to set aside the Borough Council’s concerns and approve both this application, and application 23/0328/PCM Former Lakeside School Playing Field, and it was questioned whether it would be possible to challenge such any decision to approve these applications.  It was felt that the Borough Council had cited robust reasons for refusing both applications and the outcomes of the County Council’s decision would be reported back to the Committee.


It was agreed that Councillor Whitcroft would, in his capacity as Leader of the Council, write formally to the Chairman of the County Council’s Planning Committee and the County Councillors representing the Surrey Heath wards to reinforce the Borough Council’s reservations about the scale of the developments proposed by applications 23/0326/PCM and 23/0328/PCM.


The Officer recommendation to submit a representation objecting to the application was proposed by Councillor Victoria Wheeler, seconded by Councillor Valerie White, put to the vote and carried unanimously.




      i.        The Council submit a representation to Surrey County Council objecting to the application.

     ii.        It be noted that Councillor Whitcroft would formally write to the Chairman of the County Council’s Planning Committee and the County Councillors representing the Surrey Heath setting out the Borough Council’s concerns about applications 23/0326/PCM and 23/0328/PCM.

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