Agenda item

Application Number: 23/0328/PCM Former Lakeside School Playing Field, Caroline Way, Frimley, GU16 8LL


The application was an outline application for the erection of a part single and part three storey building for extra care accommodation to provide self-contained apartments, with staff and communal spaces and associated car parking with access from Caroline Way. 


The Committee was informed that the application was a Regulation 3 Application under the terms of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992.  As such Surrey County Council would be the determining authority while the Borough Council was only a consultee.


The application site was formerly a school playing field which was a defined Green Space within the settlement of Frimley and the Lanes Character Area of the Western Urban Area Character Supplementary Planning Document 2021.  The Committee expressed concerns about the mass and bulk of the proposed development which was considered to be out of character with the surrounding area, the loss of green space and the potential impact that the development could have on trees surrounding the development.  It was also considered that the provision of 25 parking spaces was inadequate for the size of the proposed development.


The Officer recommendation to submit a representation objecting to the application was proposed by Councillor Victoria Wheeler, seconded by Councillor Valerie White, put to the vote and carried unanimously.


RESOLVED that the Council submit a representation to Surrey County Council objecting to the application.






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