Agenda item

Appointment of the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Committees of the Council

To appoint Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen to the Committees established at Item 10 above. Nominations to these positions will be laid on the table.




The Council received nominations to the positions of Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Committees of the Council. A vote was taken on all the uncontested positions 'en bloc'.


The position of Chair of Planning Applications Committee had been contested and was proposed and seconded, as set out in the agenda paperwork, and put to the vote.


RESOLVED that the following appointments be made for the ensuing year:












Planning Applications



Cllr Cliff Betton


Cllr Victoria Wheeler




Cllr Valerie White


Cllr Rob Lee

Performance & Finance Scrutiny



Cllr Shaun Garrett


Cllr Liz Noble

External Partnerships Select



Cllr Rob Lee


Cllr Mary Glauert

Audit & Standards



Cllr Cliff Betton


Cllr Bob Raikes




Cllr David Whitcroft


Cllr Morgan Rise


Supporting documents: