Agenda item


To elect the Mayor for the ensuing year.




It was moved by Councillor Victoria Wheeler and seconded by Councillor Shaun Garrett that Councillor Pat Tedder be elected Mayor for the ensuing year. There being no further nominations, it was unanimously


RESOLVED that Councillor Pat Tedder be elected Mayor of the Borough of Surrey Heath for the ensuing municipal year.


Councillor Pat Tedder made and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Mayor and was invested with the Mayoral Chain of Office. 


The Mayor, Councillor Pat Tedder, in the Chair.


Councillor Tedder thanked the Council for her election as the 51st Mayor of the Borough.  She paid tribute to her family and friends, councillors, and residents who had supported, guided and encouraged her over the years.


The Mayor invested her daughter, Mrs Elizabeth Kirkpatrick-Thody, as her Escort for her Mayoral Year. She informed the Council that the Reverend Dan Stork Banks of St Lawrence, Chobham with St Saviour, Valley Endwould be her Chaplain and would be invested with the Chaplain’s badge at the next meeting


On behalf of the Council, the Mayor thanked Helen Whitcroft and her Escort, Miss Madison Whitcroft, for the way they had carried out their roles over the past year.