Agenda item

Application Number 22/0828/FFU: Land to the West of Church Road, Church Road, West End


The application was for the erection of 6 x 1- bedroom affordable Almshouse bungalows and gardens, including a new access from Church Road, parking areas and bin store.


The application would have normally been determined under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. However, it has been called-in by Cllr Tedder if minded to refuse as the proposal was a rare opportunity for social rented homes.


The applicant details: Chobham Poor Allotment Charity.


For background information and to assist on the matter of the Thames Basin Heath SPA, an appeal decision from elsewhere in the borough is appended.”


As the application triggered the Council’s Public Speaking scheme, Mr Julian Marczak and Thomas Rumble, the agent, spoke in favour of the application.


Members had differing views on the application. Whilst there was appreciation by members of the merits of the application, there was acknowledgement of a significant objection from Natural England in relation to the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area. As a result, Councillor Edward Hawkins proposed a deferral proposal, which was seconded by Councillor Liz Noble, to allow the applicant to reengage with Natural England, through the pre-application process, in order to seek retraction of the body’s objection.


The proposal was put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that application 22/0828 be deferred in order to allow the applicant the opportunity to reengage with Natural England to seek retraction of their objections.


Note 1

Councillor Pat Tedder declared 2 non-pecuniary interests in her role of trustee of the Chobham Poors Allotment Charity and the WC Lees Rest Houses Charity.


Note 2

It was noted for the record that:

a)    Councillors Graham Alleway, Liz Noble and Victoria Wheeler declared that they had previously met with the applicant but had come into the meeting with an open-mind.

b)    Councillor Valerie White declared that she was a trustee of an Almshouses charity.


Note 3

In accordance with Part 4, Section D, Paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in relation to the application, and the alternative to defer the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the proposal to defer the application:


Councillors Peter Barnett, Edward Hawkins, Liz Noble, Robin Perry, and Darryl Ratiram.


Voting against the proposal to defer the application:


Councillors Graham Alleway, Mark Gordon, Graham Tapper, Victoria Wheeler, Valerie White. 


As there was equal numbers of votes for and against, the Chairman used his casting vote in favour of the proposal.


Note 4

Following the decision, and at the end of the meeting, some Members queried the validity of the reasons for deferral of the application. The Committee was advised that there were no restrictions or defined perameters in the constitution on reasons relating to the deferral of planning applications.

Supporting documents: