Agenda item

Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor mentioned a number of events she had attended since the last Council meeting, which had included a visit to Frimley Church of England Primary School for World Book Day, Chobham Rugby Club’s women’s charity lunch and the Collingwood College performance of the musical Six.


As it was the final meeting of the Council term; the Mayor paid tribute to a number of longstanding Councillors who had served four terms or more, and were not re-standing at the upcoming elections. She also thanked Councillor Alan McClafferty, who had served as Leader of the Council with dedication and commitment during times of difficult decision making and responsibilities. She also gave her personal thanks for his assistance following her election as Mayor and reassurance provided during her mayoral year.


Councillor Vivienne Chapman was thanked for her 38 years as a Councillor serving St Paul’s Ward, during which time she had been Leader of the Conservative Group and had been Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee during 1994 and 1998.


The Mayor also noted the accomplished service of Councillor Rodney Bates, who had been the leader of the Labour, Others and Community Groups; and Councillor Richard Brooks, who had served in the positions of the Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader of the Council, and the Council’s representative on Collectively Camberley. Councillor Colin Dougan was recognised for his service as Deputy Leader of the Council, his time on the Executive and as the Council’s Military Champion. The Mayor also paid tribute to Councillor Edward Hawkins, who had Chaired Planning Applications Committee for the past 11 years, and Councillor Josephine Hawkins who had various portfolios on the Council’s Executive and had been a champion for equality and safeguarding issues.


The mayor also gave thanks to all other members for their commitment and work throughout the term.