Agenda item

Application Number:23/0007/FFU Frimley Park Hospital, Portsmouth Road, Frimley, GU16 7UJ


The application was for the erection of a four storey diagnostics and in-patient building following the demolition of an existing medical records and diagnostic building.


The proposed application formed part of a wider masterplan for the regeneration of the hospital and was similar to a previously approved application, reference 18/1024 for a similar development which had recently expired.  It was noted that the proposed development was considered to be acceptable in terms of the overall design of the building, residential amenity and highway safety, land contamination and flood risk and flood damage.


It was noted that additional conditions relating to drainage had been included in the Planning Update sheet.


The Committee expressed concern about the impacts that construction traffic would have on what was an already congested site.  It was noted that construction traffic would access the site through the existing ‘Blue Light’ entrance thus avoiding the need to pass the public car park and hospital’s main entrance.  Conditions requiring the submission of a Construction Traffic Management Plan to the Local  Planning Authority for approval before construction could commence had been incorporated into the Planning Permission.


Concern about adding to the congestion in the surrounding area when children were being dropped off and collected from neighbouring schools were noted.  It was stressed that the it was not within the power of the Council to micromanage the construction and that the hospital needed to remain operational during the construction period.  It was therefore agreed that:


      i.        An informative setting out that it would be expected that construction traffic (including deliveries) would be routed to avoid the public accesses to the hospital site and every effort should be made to avoid the peak visiting hours of the hospital.

     ii.        Condition 6e would be amended to read ‘HGV vehicles and hours of deliveries’. 


The officer’s revised recommendation to approve the application, as set out in the officer report and as amended in the update sheet and as set out above, was proposed by Councillor Whitcroft, seconded by Councillor Hawkins, put to the vote and carried


RESOLVED that application 23/0007/FFU be approved



It was noted for the record that:

Councillor Edward Hawkins declared that he had been appointed as a Stakeholder Governor of Frimley NHS Foundation Trust by Surrey County Council.

Councillor Darryl Rattiram declared that he was employed by Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust and withdrew from the meeting during the consideration of the item.

Councillor Victoria Wheeler declared that her company was contracted to supply services to Frimley NHS Trust and withdrew from the meeting during the consideration of the item.



In accordance with Part 4, Section D, Paragraph 18 of the Constitution, the voting in favour of the motion to approve the application was as follows:


Voting in favour of the motion to approve: Councillors Alleway, Barnett, Gordon, Hawkins, Lewis, Perry, Skipper, Whitcroft, and White

Voting against the motion to approve: Councillor Black

Abstaining: Councillor Betton.



Supporting documents: