Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003

Following objections received, to consider an application for a premises licence for 126 Frimley Road, Camberley, Surrey.


The Sub-Committee considered an application for a new Premises Licence relating to 126 Frimley Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 2QN.


The Licensing Officer presented his report to the Sub-Committee and notified representatives of the parties who had a right to speak at the meeting.  He referred Members to the Licensing Objectives and noted that relevant objections had been submitted.


The Legal Advisor reminded Members that any material which had not been circulated in advance to all parties could only be considered at the meeting if all parties present agreed.


All relevant parties present introduced themselves and stated their reason for attending the Sub-Committee.


The Licensing Officer noted that the application was for the supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises only and therefore did not include reference to regulated entertainment or the provision of late night refreshment.


The Licensing Officer reported that six representations had been submitted by other persons which contended that the carrying on of licensable activities at the premises could broach the following licensing objectives:


(i)         The prevention of crime and disorder;


(ii)        Protection of Public Safety;


(iii)       Prevention of Public Nuisance; and


(iv)      Protection of children from harm.


The Licensing Officer confirmed that he had received notification from the applicant, Mr Manmeet Grover, of Grover Convenience Stores Ltd that Mr S Panchal had been asked to address the Sub-Committee on behalf of the Company.


No representations had been submitted by Responsible Authorities.


Mr Panchal summarised the experience and licensable activities of Grover Convenience Stores Ltd in other areas. He referred to the application in respect of the Licensing Objectives and indicated measures that would be put in place to meet these.


No statements were made by the Other Persons present.


The Sub-Committee adjourned from 10.35 a.m. until 10.45 a.m. for deliberation.


Following deliberations on the application, the legal Advisor reported on the advice she had given to the Sub-Committee and that Members had taken into account:


·           Section 18 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Secretary of State’s Guidance under section 182 of the Act.


·           The Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy, particularly paragraphs 1-85 and 87-99; and


·           The written and oral evidence presented at the hearing.

The Sub-Committee had heard evidence from the Licensing Officer and Applicants.


Members recognised that the Licensing Act imposed a light touch approach and encouraged them to allow premises to trade unless there was a reason not to. The Sub-Committee could not adjudicate on needs and competition and the Act allowed for review if, at a later stage, it was suggested that any action had resulted in the Licensing Objectives not being met.


The Sub-Committee had concluded that the premises licence should be granted, on the basis of the operations schedule at Page 25 of the agenda, with conditions, amended to be enforceable, to be agreed by the Licensing Officer in consultation with the Chairman


RESOLVED, that the Premises Licence for 126 Frimley Road, Camberley, be granted for the hours of 0600 to 2300 from Monday to Sunday, subject to the conditions attached in the Decision Notice at Annex A.


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