Agenda item

Questions from Councillors

(a)  To deal with questions, if any, received under Council Procedure Rule 11.


(b)  The Leader to answer questions from Members in relation to the Executive functions under Council Procedure Rule 11A.


In response to a question from Councillor Paul Deach about the application of the severe weather policy to rough sleepers in the Borough, the Leader confirmed that approaches had been made to all rough sleepers known to the Council to ensure that they were provided with accommodation during the recent cold weather.  It was confirmed that offers of temporary accommodation were made regardless of where the person originated from.


In response to a question from Councillor Morgan Rise about the resources that would be required to implement the Government’s  requirement for people to provide proof of identification when voting the Leader informed the Council that the Government had advised local authorities would be reimbursed for the cost of implementing the changes.  There had been a number of discussions nationally about ensuring that the widest range of identification was permissible so that as many people as possible were able to vote and this requirement had also been discussed with the Constituency MP.  The Leader expressed the view that he was confident in the Council’s ability to deliver these changes successfully and all staff involved would receive appropriate training.


In response to Councillor Sashi Mylvaganum’s question relating to the pausing of the Council’s Local Plan process following communications from the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities about potential changes to the way that future housing need numbers were calculated, the Leader stressed that the changes were not yet legislation.  However if approved by the Government then local authorities would be able to produce a Local Plan that more accurately reflected the needs and wishes of local residents and did not impose inappropriate development on the Borough.  In light of this, it was considered appropriate to pause the Local Plan process to enable the implications of any changes to be fully considered.  It was agreed that as the Local Plan was substantially complete as much as possible should be put into the public domain.


In response to a question from Councillor Edward Hawkins about safety around the Borough’s lakes and ponds, particularly during periods of cold weather when they were liable to freeze, it was agreed that the matter would be followed up as a matter of urgency with the Chief Executive and a written response provided within seven working days.


In response to a question from Councillor Rodney Bates asking if it was possible to publish the decision report concerning the purchase of the Square shopping centre in 2016, the Leader agreed that the report should be reviewed and released if at all possible.