Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Public

To answer questions, if any, received under Council Procedure Rule 10 (Paragraph 3 of the Public Speaking Procedure Rules).



The Finance and Customer Services Portfolio Holder, Councillor Robin Perry, received a question from a member of the public, Mr Edmund Bain, concerning the funding mechanism used to purchase the Square shopping centre in 2016.


In response to Mr Bain’s supplementary question, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that the three recently matured short term loans used to finance the purchase had been rolled over and the Council was now paying interest on the three new loans at rates of 2.95%, 2.97% and 3%.  This was marginally higher than the rate being paid on the old loans.


The Chairman of the Planning Applications Committee Councillor Edward Hawkins, received a question from a member of the public, Ms Jane Sherrard-Smith, concerning the Council’s Development Management Team’s knowledge and skills when it came to assessing planning applications for 5G telecommunications infrastructure.


In response to Ms Sherrard-Smith’s supplementary question, regarding the power intensity drop off calculations in relation to 5G masts, the Chairman of the Planning Applications Committee agreed to provide a written response within 7 working days.


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