Decision details

Deepcut Village Centre Commuted Sums

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive was reminded that the Deepcut Village Centre had been built as part of the Alma Dettingen development at Deepcut.  A commuted sum of £382,000 for maintenance of the venue over the life-time of the building had been included in the Section 106 Planning Agreement.


It was reported that the changing rooms in the Centre had been intended to provide facilities for outdoor pitches.  However, as the playing fields were not to a standard to play competitive football and local residents had not originally supported the development of football pitches on the site, the development company had left this area of land as green space and the changing rooms had remained un-used.


The Deepcut Village Association, which managed the venue, was proposing that the under-utilised changing rooms be redeveloped into a small hall in order to offer an improved and expanded facility for the local community and to help increase revenue. The centre was used by 700-800 people per week and was expected to increase to over 1000 people per week after the works were completed.


Members were reminded that the Association had applied to the Council for a Community Fund Grant, which the Executive considered on 6 September 2016; whilst the Executive had supported the proposal, it had agreed to defer the award of any Community Fund grant money until it had considered whether the Deepcut Village Centre Commuted Sum funds could be used instead.


Approval was therefore sought for the use of S106 funds of up to £92,400 for internal redevelopment of the changing rooms. Members were advised that, if this funding was agreed it would negate the need for the Community Fund Grant.




                                 (i)        a maximum of £92,400 be allocated to the Deepcut Village Association from the Deepcut Village Centre Commuted Sum Reserve, towards the Deepcut Village Centre redevelopment proposal; and


                                (ii)        the decision on the final figure allocated be delegated to the Executive Head of Business in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regulatory and Portfolio Holder for Business.



Report author: Sarah Groom

Publication date: 25/11/2016

Date of decision: 09/11/2016

Decided at meeting: 09/11/2016 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: